Classroom Policies for Our Kindergarten Classroom
Mrs. Clelland
Classroom Rules
- Use an “inside” voice
- Say please and thank you
- Wait your turn/Share with others
- Look at the person who is speaking
- Raise your hand
- Keep hands and feet to yourself
- Remember planner/ materials needed for class
- Put your things away
- Follow Directions
*The Arlington School District teaches the Boys Town Social Skills to students to help them through situations they might find difficult. (The skills are listed on the back of this page.) When a classroom rule is broken, these consequences will follow.
1st Verbal reminder of skill
Ex. Remember to wait your turn
2nd Practice skill during 5 minutes of recess
Ex. Talk with them about what they could do next time instead of repeat the behavior.
3rd Practice skill during whole recess and call/write note to parent
4th Practice skill during all recesses for the day and conference with parent and Mrs. Gross.
Severe behavior (swearing, hitting): Visit to the office and call home
Grading System
The students will be graded on their assignments, assessments and observation using the following letter grades:
100-96=A+ 95=A 94=A – Excellent
93-89=B+ 88=B 87=B - Great
86-82=C+ 81=C 80=C - Average
79-77=D+ 76=D 75=D - Below average
74 and below Failing
*You can check your child’s grades by going to the Arlington School Home Page ( and clicking on “student grades”. If you don’t have an account set up, contact Mr. Parry for a user name and password. Remember: Grades are only 1 part of your child’s progress. Children progress at different rates so it is important that we measure individual progress as well.
I, ________________________________, have received and read
(parent/guardian signature)
the classroom policies for Kindergarten students. _______________
Boys’ Town Social Skills
Greeting Other Following Instructions
1. Look at the person. 1. Look at the person.
2. Use a pleasant voice. 2. Say “Okay.”
3. Say “Hi or Hello. 3. Do what you’ve been
asked right away.
Disagreeing Appropriately Accepting Criticism/Consequence
1. Look at the person. 1. Look at the person.
2. Use a pleasant voice. 2. Say “Okay.”
3. Say “I understand how you feel.” 3. Don’t Argue.
4. Tell why you fell differently.
5. Give a reason.
6. Listen to the other person.
Giving Criticism Accepting Compliments
1. Look at the person 1. Look at the person
2. Stay calm. 2. Use a pleasant voice.
3. Use a pleasant voice. 3. Say “Thank You.”
4. Describe what you are criticizing. 4. Don’t look away, mumble, or
5. Tell why this is a problem. deny the compliment.
6. Listen to the person. Be polite. 5. Do not disagree with the
Making an Apology Giving a Compliment
1. Look at the person. 1. Look at the person.
2. Use a serious, sincere voice. 2. Smile.
3. Say “I’m sorry for….” 3. Speak clearly/enthusiastically.
4. Do not make excuses. 4. Tell the person exactly what you like.
5. Explain how you plan to do better in
the future.
6. Say “Thanks for listening.”